
Best Practices For Bible Reading

Best Practices For Bible Reading

Trying to build daily bible reading into our schedules can be a challenge, but I can assure you that it will be well worth it. Most of us timewise don’t see a bible reading-shaped gap in our lives that is crying out to be filled. But while we scurry around to fulfil our packed timetables, perhaps we secretly wish there could be some stabilising and inspirational input regularly going into our lives…

Why Biblical Poetry is So Helpful

Why Biblical Poetry is So Helpful

Most people who read the bible don’t notice how full of poetry it is. They know that the Psalms are poetic, as psalms were written to be sung, but unless they have a bible where the typesetters have gone to the trouble of indenting whole sections, they may have missed the poetry in chapter after chapter of the prophetic books, to say nothing of Job, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs, and even parts of Genesis…

5 Tips When Reading Revelation

5 Tips When Reading Revelation

Some people think the book of Revelation deserves the subtitle, ‘handle with care’, but I suspect that those who would recommend such a subtitle would probably prefer that we avoid reading Revelation altogether without their specific guidance. But 1 Timothy 3:16 says ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ so let’s be bold and read it...

Starting in Genesis or the Gospels?

Starting in Genesis or the Gospels?

In some ways, because the Bible works as a whole document, you can start wherever you like, as long as you are prepared to ask questions and keep reading until you get the answers. I know that this is not a usual response to the ‘where to start?’ question but I am thinking of a certain Ethiopian official who had attended a Jewish feast and according to Acts 8 was returning from Jerusalem, riding in a chariot and reading the writings of Isaiah…